Workshop Information

On this page you'll find an explanation of workshop levels and partnering info. The workshop levels and partnering policies at this festival may be different than other festivals you've attended, so it's important that you read all the information carefully before deciding on workshops.

The Workshop Levels

Most Levels

Most Levels workshops are good for everyone from Advanced Beginners to Advanced dancers. It is necessary to have at least some basic tango experience to give context to skills students will learn in these classes.


The Intermediate workshops cover a wide range of experience levels. If you...

- Are comfortable (to your partner) in close and open embrace,
- Have good navigation skills and solid balance,
- Listen to the music and let it affect the way you move,
- Can already lead or follow many tango figures (such as barridas, voleos, ganchos, etc.)

...then please register for Intermediate workshops. We will make every effort to balance the intermediate workshops between leaders and followers. Partner rotation in these classes will be recommended but not mandatory. If you have a particular partner that you would like to work with in these workshops, then make sure you both register before the workshops reach capacity, since we can't give anyone priority over others who registered earlier.


The Intermediate/Advanced workshops are intended for more experienced Intermediate dancers and for Advanced dancers. If you...

- Meet all the requirements of the Intermediate level described above, and
- Know many tango songs and can match your movements to the music,
- Can lead or follow more challenging variations of the main tango figures,
- Have danced in many cities and countries and can dance well on a crowded floor,

...then you can register for the Intermediate/Advanced workshops. We will make every effort to balance these workshops between leaders and followers, but you do not need a partner to register. Partner rotation in these classes will be recommended but is not mandatory. If you have a particular partner that you would like to work with in these workshops, just make sure you both register before the workshops reach capacity, since we can't give anyone priority over others who registered earlier.


The advanced workshops are intended for very advanced social dancers and include both the "advanced" and "master" levels that you might see at other festivals. If you...

- Are a professional tango dance instructor or performer,
- Have 4+ years of class and workshop participation in the style of the instructors,
- Are able to execute a figure without having to see it demonstrated,
- Can not only execute the tango figures well (including challenging variations), but can also explain the mechanism and technique behind them,

...then the Advanced workshops may be right for you. As in many advanced and master classes in Buenos Aires and Europe, there will be no partner rotation in these workshops. The teachers expect that you have a very high level of skill and will not slow down the class or partner if you happen to fall behind, and it is for this reason that there will be no partner rotation. We understand that requiring a partner for the advanced workshops may be frustrating for some registrants. We hope, however, that the benefits of working with a predictable partner will outweigh the benefits of working with a number of unpredictable partners. On the registration form, you can name one partner that you will work with for all your workshops or you can name different partners for different workshops. You cannot register, however, until you know who your partner(s) will be.

Because we expect the workshops to reach capacity, priority admission will be given to Full Festival Pass holders and then by order of registration date. For more information on registration policies, go the the Register page.